The One Laptop Per Child group, a nonprofit producing high-quality $200 laptops for kids in developing countries, doesn't usually make it possible for the public to buy their laptops. That's too bad, because they're essentially fast, high-quality machines that are virtually indestructible, utterly flexible, and a fantastic tool for grownups and kids alike.
These puppies really are cutting-edge, which is why it's such a cool deal that they're going to be temporarily available to the general buying public.
OLPC is having a one-time event from November 12-19 in which you can buy one of their superfantastic laptops for $399. That pays for one laptop for you and one for a kid in a third-world country. Plus you get a tax write-off, because part of your purchase price is technically a donation. This is probably your only chance to buy one of these laptops, so if they appeal to the tech geek in you, go to the OLPC "Give One Get One" page to sign up for an email reminder so you won't miss the offer.
Just a few of the many things I love about this laptop:
1. The screen rotates to different positions depending on whether you're reading an e-book, writing, or gaming.
2. The LCD display is engineered to be super-bright so you can actually read the screen under bright daylight conditions.
3. The laptop innards are designed with as few loose parts as possible so jarring and dropping are unlikely to break the machine.
4. It contains no toxic materials and has a built-in carrying handle.
5. It has two wireless antenna "ears" that, aside from being cute, also pick up hella more wireless hotspots than a regular laptop.
6. You can power it with a hand crank. Let me repeat that. You can power it with a hand crank.
So anyway, if you're looking for an ultraportable laptop or a great learning tool for your kid this Xmas, this should be one of your top choices.